
How To Pack Your Items Before You Store Them

Any time you want to store your office assets over an extended period, your primary objective should be to create boxes that build a solid structure. In that way, you will be able to retrieve the items in the same condition you packed them and won’t be negating the purpose of storage by causing unnecessary damage. Therefore, to achieve this objective, you need to be methodical when it comes to your packing process.

Create Equal Weight and Use Equal Size Boxes

A stable structure either has evenly distributed weight or is bottom heavy. Since you may not have control over how your boxes are stacked in storage, the next thing you have control over is the weight. Try to spread the weight out as evenly as possible while keeping similar items together.

Label Correctly

If you think you will remember what is in a box, even three months from now, unfortunately, you’re incorrect. To easily access your items: label your boxes according to the department the items are from, the room the items were in, and the category of the items in the box.

Disassemble Larger Pieces

Storing larger pieces in boxes may seem impractical, but it’s the most suitable option to protect your items from dust, mildew, and damage. When you disassemble your furniture keep the additional components like nuts and bolts in labeled Ziploc bags within the same box.

Seal Your Boxes

Part of achieving the aforementioned stable structure is to seal your boxes correctly. Not only does this protect it from damage, but it also enhances the ability to hold weight.

Do Not Overfill or Underfill Your Boxes

When closing the boxes they should be flat on all sides. To ascertain whether or not a box is overfilled or underfilled, place a substantial amount of weight on top of the box if it remains flat on all sides; the box is fine if not, consider repacking.

Pack Like Stuff Together

This works well when you want to collect items, but also for preventing damage. If your box is a mixed bag of items it increases the chances of the items within the box becoming damaged, as it will be challenging to create structure.

Line & Protect Boxes

Whatever you use to line and protect your items, whether bubble wrap or packing paper, be sure it won’t be affected by moisture over the long term. Also, ensure that your lining provides an adequate cushion on all sides.

But before you even think of beginning the process of packing your items for long-term storage, be sure you’ve found the best commercial storage in Chicago. Your storage facility to be able to offer an environment that is most suitable for long-term storage and minimizes damage.

If you need assistant planning and executing your commercial storage in Chicago project, our team here at Chicago Commercial Storage is standing by to help.

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